SNAA 2019 Workshop
The 9th Workshop on Social Network Analysis in Applications, Vancouver, Canada, 27 August, 2019
The SNAA 2019 workshop is devoted to analysis of social structures and what is more important to identify the areas where social network analysis can be applied and provide the knowledge that is not accessible for other types of analysis. Additionally, applications of social network analysis can be investigated either
from static or dynamic perspective. We seek for business and industrial applications of social network analysis that help to solve real-world problems. The area of social network analysis and its applications bring together researchers and practitioners from different fields and the main goal of this workshop is to provide them the opportunity to share their visions, research achievements and solutions as well as to establish worldwide cooperative research and development. At the same time, we want to provide a platform for discussing research topics underlying the concepts of social network analysis and its applications by inviting members of different communities that share this common interest of investigating social networks. As the area of social networks is a highly cross-disciplinary one, we aim to foster and develop sustainable collaborations between Computer Science and Informatics, Sociology, Cognitive Science and Psychology, Geographic and Environmental Science, Biology, and Health and Social Sciences. This will give the opportunity to push further the discussion upon the potential of social networks and their applications across these communities.
The Best Paper Award will be given for the paper judged to make the most significant contribution to SNAA 2019. The judges may make their assessment based on the papers contained in the proceedings, not on the oral or poster presentation of the papers. However, for a paper to gain this award one of the authors must have attended the conference and presented the paper.